Getting Portrait Perfect Ready: A Guide to Stress Free Senior Portraits

It's your senior year—finally, your time to shine. From outfit meltdowns to perfecting that dewy skin, let's talk about how to get Portrait perfect ready…

because your senior year is about to get a whole new profile pic!

2-4 months before

Book your senior portrait session. Your Senior Year is filled to the brim with activities, deadlines and busy schedules and you don’t want to miss important timelines waiting for your photographer to get you your edits. Plan ahead and schedule that perfect date to allow you enough time to get all your beautiful photos submitted on time.

2-3 weeks before

Start curating your outfits. Aim for a selection of 3-5 different looks that reflect your style and personality. Explore various stores, and boutiques to find pieces that resonate with you. Research what works best in photos and flatters your body shape. To assist you further, I'll provide a 'What to Wear' magazine to help you maximize your self-expression during the shoot.

Drink lots of water. Skip the sugary drinks and choose water instead. Focus on staying hydrated by drinking only water as it not only benefits your overall health but also enhances your skin's appearance for photos. Hydration helps maintain skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promotes a natural glow, making your complexion look more vibrant and youthful in front of the camera. So, sip on that H2O to ensure your skin is camera-ready and radiant for your senior portraits.

1 week before

Moisturize. Using moisturizer on your skin and lips is essential for keeping them hydrated and smooth, ensuring a healthy and glowing complexion in your senior portraits. It helps to prevent dryness, flakiness, and chapped lips, giving you a natural and polished look in front of the camera.

  • Pro Tip: Try using a lip exfoliator to scrub off any dry or flaky skin, leaving you with a perfectly smooth kisser.

  • Avoid: Don’t get a sunburn. Bask in the sun's glory for those Vitamin D gains, but remember, it's not your skin's BFF. Avoid the lobster look before your session—it'll leave you shedding skin like a molting snake, with tan lines that form in all the wrong places.

Get a haircut. Getting a haircut about a week before your senior portraits ensures your hair looks fresh and styled, allowing it to settle into a natural and flattering shape. Avoid any drastic changes right before to ensure you won't be surprised by any unexpected results.

  • Pro Tip: Schedule a facial with your favorite esthetician a week before your session to prep your skin for flawless makeup application on your big day. Professional exfoliation and moisturization ensure a smooth canvas that enhances your natural glow, leaving your skin looking fresh and radiant

5 days before

Organize your Wardrobe. Begin preparing your wardrobe and packing items five days before your session. Hang each outfit on a single hanger after ironing and steaming them, allowing you to visualize the complete look effortlessly.

  • Pro TIp: Don't show up to your session looking like you just wrestled your clothes out of a packed suitcase—wrinkles don't magically disappear in Photoshop. Iron out those kinks beforehand so your photos can focus on your flawless smile, not your crumpled shirt.

1-3 days before

Wax. Make sure to schedule your eyebrow and facial waxing a couple of days before your session to avoid any lingering redness. You want your portraits to highlight your features, not your recent battle with the waxing strip.

Get a Mani Pedi. Visit a nail salon a day or two leading up to your session. This way, your polish and cuticles will be fresh and ready to complement your look. Do your nails to match your outfits or opt for a natural shade that won't steal the spotlight. You want your nails to complement your look, not steal the show.

  • Avoid: Please don't arrive at your session with chipped nail polish; it's like showing up to a party with a cake missing a slice—it's noticeable and distracts from the overall vibe.

the night before

Sleep. Get plenty of rest before your photo shoot—it's the secret ingredient to looking fresh and energized. Getting enough sleep is crucial because it helps rejuvenate your skin, reduce dark circles, and gives you a natural, radiant glow. It also boosts your energy levels and improves your mood, ensuring you feel and look your best for your senior portraits.

the day of

Eat. On the day of your session, make sure to eat something to keep your energy levels stable and prevent getting hangry. A well-fed body will help you stay focused and comfortable throughout the day.

Plan your day. Plan ahead by organizing your day early: pack your outfits, accessories, and undergarments in the car to avoid wrinkles. Arrive on time for your stylist, and plan for potential traffic and parking challenges to ensure a stress-free start to your session.

Hair and Makeup. Make sure to arrive at the salon and your stylist with clean, dry hair and a fresh, makeup-free face. This helps them work their magic without any obstacles, ensuring you're primed and ready to shine during your session.

  • Pro Tip: Wear something easy to take on and off, preferably with buttons, to your stylist. This way, you can avoid pulling anything over your head and keep your hair and makeup pristine. You will change into your first outfit at our first location.

Be On Time. Punctuality is crucial—your session is planned around the sunset. Being late to your stylist means we might have to rush through locations, making the session stressful. Let's keep things smooth and relaxed by showing up and being on time.